2020.03.13 Separation of Man and Woman in Sexual Union {Divorce} Part 2 Created by James on 4/13/2020 7:09:39 PM This Broadcast continues the discussion of the separation of man and woman who have been in sexual union, in other words cleaning up after divorce. This applies equally to same sex unions and unions with animals. Spirit to Spirit adhesion is further discussed. Cutting off contractual ties is discussed. We look again at Yah’s default sexual covenant terms and look at the One-Flesh Bond as the most critical component.
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
If you don't believe there is a Creator and you die as an unbeliever, you will live on Earth for a very long time as an Ancestor Spirit or Demon. You might end up in your coffin with your rotting corpse, you might end up in the cremation oven, or you might get put on to another human being to torment and lead them astray. Any way you look at it, that's not a great way to spend the rest of your time, so you might want to reconsider.
Father, the Creator has said regarding unbelievers, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT believe I exist?" So if you are going through life happy that you are not believing and expecting something nice to happen when you die, you're in for a nasty shock. If you die as a believer without any form of relationship with the Creator, you will end up in the Outer Darkness, a cold, black, terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, the Trash Heap of Heaven. Father has said concerning such believers, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a Deep Personal Relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"
All of this in the context that the Almighty has said, "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"
If you make a real effort to seek relationship with the Almighty, the rewards in the life to come are huge, a glorious resurrected body, great prestige, great authority and a permanent close relationship with the Creator and Yahooshua, you may know as Jesus. It's up to you to decide which of the three options you go for; I would suggest you seek a Deep Relationship with Him.
Separation of Man and Woman in Sexual Union {Divorce} Part 2 -- Overview
Today we're going to continue with Part 2 of our discussion of the separation of man and woman in sexual union relating to divorce. An overview of tonight's broadcast:
This broadcast looks at the Spiritual separation of a Man and Woman who have had a sexual union – this applies equally to rape, men with men, women with women, humans with animals.
We will look further at spirit to spirit adhesion.
We will discuss contractual ties – promises, vows, oaths, covenant.
We will consider Yah’s default covenant terms.
We will look at the One-Flesh Bond – the Most Critical Component.
We will examine some questions relating to your relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Who am I? – James Robertson. I have a Doctorate in Engineering. I was a Strategic Management Consultant in South Africa for 25 years and I have been a Business Executive and Consultant in the UK for the last 6 years. I have 27 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
What is "End Time Issue Ministries?" It's the organizational vehicle for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Programme and physical books.
What is THIS Program? – "The Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU!" – It represents the essence of my message.
See the Website www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org for more information.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
Missy said: "Thank you for clearing that issue up about a woman bowing down to a man."
Just to elaborate on that for a moment, Rick Joyner in "The Final Quest" reports that there are many more women than men on High Thrones. In fact, there are many more women in Heaven than men because women are more faithful, more spiritually in tune. So if you're a man and you think women are inferior, you are in for a nasty shock if you manage to scrape into Heaven because you're going to find a whole lot of women in senior highly responsible positions. Women are not in any way inferior to men. They're spiritually equal, there is an order that Yah intended in the relationship between man and woman in marriage. That's where it stops. It's perfectly acceptable for a woman to be President or Prime Minister or President of a Corporation.
Anne asked: "Why don’t men stick around if they are to keep a woman after taking her virginity?"
Good question Anne. Basically they don't stick around because nobody told them they need to stick around and the women don't even know that they need the men to stick around. We need to educate our daughters and our sons that sex is sacred that you only have sex when you're prepared to make a lifetime commitment to the other party and you don't mess around with it.
Greg asked: "How come this is not taught to people in other religions?"
Greg, the reality is that this generation is so far away from Father Yah and even the last few thousand years they've fallen away so much that hardly anything is known about the truth. Very few people are teaching the truth. It's not any particular religion, it's all religions.
Grace asked: "What are the three forms of divorce in Heaven?"
Grace, I have to be honest I've never heard of three forms of divorce in Heaven. I only know of one form of divorce and that is you go before the Throne of Heaven with a breach of covenant or breach of contract and you ask Father to release you from the marriage on whatever basis as appropriate and we've talked in some detail about some of the basis for divorce, we will talk more about that today and the next broadcast.
Chase asked: "What if the signs are not clear?"
Chase, then you ask for more signs. If you are not close enough to Father to accurately discern His signs, then the first thing to do is to get closer to Him so that you can discern His signs.
Todd asked: "Another programme on this station says Satan is in us. What are your thoughts on this?"
Todd, it's absolutely possible. Advanced Satanists, there is a part in our spirit, there is a hollow in our spirits, which is designed for the set-apart spirit of the Almighty, the Holy Spirit of the Almighty to come in and dwell in believers. Advanced Satanists invite Demons into that space so that they are demonically controlled. So it is absolutely possible for Satan to be inside us, but as a general rule that only applies to a few thousand really advanced Satanists, the rest of us don't have Satan inside us and it is absolutely a contradiction in terms for a believer who is filled with the spirit of the Almighty cannot possibly have Satan inside them. They could have Demons on them, but certainly not inside them.
Charles: "Should you still have sexual desire and what not for others after you join with one?"
Charles, it's entirely possible to have sexual desire. If you've entered into a lifetime monogamous covenant, then it's up to you to discipline your flesh, discipline your mind, discipline your thoughts and not have sexual desire for others apart from the one you're in covenant with. If as a man you are in sexual covenant with a woman then the terms of the covenant allow you to have more than one wife, then you can desire to have more than one wife, but you need to be careful about what you do with this. Sexual union is for life, it's really important to hold on to that.
Francis asked: "Are these immersions done in the nude?"
Francis, they can be, but generally if you're doing with other people you wear a swimming costume or a gown or whatever you feel to hide your body.
Some other comments and questions just to make it clear:
Men can break covenant just as well as women, treachery, fornication, breaking the Ten Commandments. If you want any of the prayers they're typed up in the transcripts of the broadcasts; email me and I'll send them to you.
I have been asked to comment on children. Folks, if a believing woman is married to an unbelieving man, the children are unbelievers from birth. If there is any hope of the children drawing close to Father, there needs to be a divorce. Father says that the vast majority of women who stayed married to unbelievers eventually become no better than unbelievers themselves and their children grow up as unbelievers. So Father would much rather refer women as married to an unbeliever that they get divorced.
Body of the Article
Separation of Man and Woman in Sexual Union (Divorce)
In the three broadcasts before this series, I discussed all the spiritual connections that occur when a man and woman enter into a sexual relationship – these apply whether the relationship is a formal "marriage" or simply a sexual relationship ranging from a casual "one night stand" to a long-term live-in relationship which is effectively "marriage" in Yah’s sight provided that the woman is in a position to enter into a covenant relationship because she is free of all ties to any other men in her past.
All of the items discussed come into effect anyway whether she is free to enter into covenant or not but if she is NOT free to covenant curses will come into effect as well which require repentance before prayers to cut the curses are offered and the union will be cursed. I have been talking recently to a man who entered into a legal marriage with a woman who is not a virgin, there have been all sorts of problems because the union was cursed. Some of the other consequences of such a relationship will necessarily be of effect.
In listening to what follows it is desirable to have listened to the previous Broadcasts first in order to understand how these things come into effect.
Note that all of what is presented here applies between two men and most apply between two women and some key ones apply in the case of rape, many apply in the case of intercourse with an animal.
Spirit to Spirit Adhesion -- Continued
I have undertaken symbolic shaving followed by triple immersion on a number of occasions since the incidents referred to in the previous Broadcast and have done this with others on a few other occasions, the experience, particularly the first time, is frequently powerful. This is very important if you are coming out of a defiled relationship or a defiled marriage or rape. In the latter cases I strongly recommend actual shaving.
You may need to pass the razor symbolically over your tongue if things have been said by you that should NOT have been said.
If you have been involved in a defiled sexual relationship or rape it is particularly important that you pass the razor over your entire sexual area and you might want to consider physically shaving your pubic area praying as you do "Father Yah, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and as I shave myself I ask you to cleanse my pubic area of all spiritual contamination resulting from my relationship with (name the person)" or if it's a rape and you don’t know the name of the person, with the rapist.
If you've had sex with more than one partners, name all the names that are relevant.
Contractual Ties – Promises, Vows, Oaths, Covenant
Some aspects of covenant promises and vows were discussed in the introduction last week.
It is important to understand that every promise, vow or oath creates a spiritual link between the parties making that promise. This link has spiritual substance in the spirit realm and in the spirit realm it looks like a physical link.
Depending on the nature of the promise, vow or oath and the severity of it and the extent to which reliance has been placed on it the breaking of that promise, vow or oath will have greater or smaller spiritual consequences.
If it is a lightly given and lightly received promise then the breaking of it will have little consequence in the spirit realm. However, if it is a major promise that has been restated repeatedly and particularly if the party receiving the promise has invested heavily in doing things in their lives based on trust in that promise the spiritual consequences of a broken promise, vow or oath can be huge.
If someone, typically a woman, has been hypnotized or drugged they may need to ask for unknown promises and vows to be cut off.
Folks, this is really important. When somebody has been raped with a date rape drug or with hypnosis, they can be tricked into making promises that they don't even know about, so it's important to cut those off.
I mentioned before that I was once in a situation in which a promise was broken, the woman concerned took off her engagement ring, a ring given by myself and threw it against the wall – I distinctly heard something break in the spirit BEFORE the ring hit the wall and at that instant something inside me broke and we were NEVER able to heal that relationship despite several attempts at reconciliation.
In another incident sometime after that a woman broke a very strong promise that I had been invested in for nearly a year, had told people about our plans, had spent perhaps a hundred hours working to give effect to that agreement and then, when without warning the promise was unilaterally broken I was devastated to a point where I experienced massive spiritual, emotional and physical trauma to the point where I nearly collapsed physically and my anointing drained off of me. For several weeks I struggled to survive and at the time of writing this article on which this broadcast is based, I was only then getting to a point where I was strong enough to work my customary hours, have significantly reduced my medication and felt anointed sufficiently to start writing again with any degree of confidence and energy.
Folks, there is so little understanding about the spirit realm. There are so many things; we are spirit beings first and foremost. If you don't understand the spirit realm particularly in the context of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman or two men or two women, you really are at risk of making serious mistakes and getting yourself into a lot of trouble and messing up your life. If you don't know the things that I've been teaching about for the last few weeks and you don't cut all of these things off out of unrighteous relationships, it will drag you down and drag you down and drag you down.
When such a promise, vow or oath is broken, unless there is massive and very severe repentance and particularly if that promise, vow or oath is part of promises made BEFORE consummation, the spiritual damage that will be caused will be very difficult to recover from and will almost certainly do unrecoverable damage to the relationship.
Where such a promise, vow or oath was part of the basis on which the decision to marry was based, the breaking of it will frequently constitute the basis for a divorce decision in the Court of Heaven UNLESS the party on the receiving end of the treachery did something else to break trust first.
In such a case you will need to deal with resentment, unforgiveness, etc. before you can be fully healed.
Given that there may be major on-going consequences it may take time for you to reach a position of full forgiveness and healing in the event of a broken vow, oath, or promise.
Folks, a key point there, don't make promises lightly. Don't take oaths if you can avoid it. Don't make vows if you can avoid it. If you're taking vows with regard to lifetime union or marriage, be very careful what you choose to pray for as I discussed a couple of weeks ago. It is so important that you only give your word on things that you are willing to stand by.
You can, however, commence praying and pray repeatedly "Father Yah, in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to heal me of the hurt that this treachery has caused, I ask you to heal my spirit, my soul, my emotions and my body." Note that in the case of major betrayal the consequences may at some level be irreversible and only partial healing may occur – for example massive trauma and I am talking about trauma resulting from betrayal, can result in accelerated physical and mental ageing which is irreversible.
Restoring trust after such a situation is very difficult and may prove impossible unless the guilty party shows extreme remorse and intense repentance and works hard to restore the relationship to its former status – if the other party is unrepentant then it is my understanding that provided the promise, vow or oath that has been broken was made before consummation AND was a fundamental consideration in choosing to consummate such treachery constitutes a basis for divorce.
If treachery relates to something that was not part of the marriage covenant it may require much more onerous consideration before it constitutes a basis for divorce.
The Court of Heaven follows very strict legal principles. If you've got a clear cut breach of covenant, you have a basis for divorce. I have been talking recently to a chap who had used drugs in his earlier life, got free of drugs, met a woman, eventually married her, and then got back on to drugs. It was clear cut that his going back to drugs, it was a clear understanding on the part of the woman that he was free of drugs and would remain free of drugs. When he went back on to drugs, including some really horrible stuff that happened to him, she had a clear basis for divorce.
Yah’s Default Covenant Terms
Let's talk a bit about Yah's default covenant terms. We spoke about them at length a few weeks ago.
When a man and a woman who have had intercourse where the woman was free to enter into covenant and a divorce is desired the aggrieved party must petition to be released from the terms of the covenant UNLESS the formal marriage agreement cut across and nullified some or all of Yah’s default terms.
The man should pray "Father Yah, in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to release me from all responsibility for (name the person), I ask you to release me from being her covering, I ask you to release me from having to teach her, I ask you to release me from being responsible for her sin in obedience to me and I ask you to release me in every other way possible of my obligations to her in terms of your standard covenant terms. Father, I ask you to sever the covenant totally at my side and at hers and to cancel out all covenant vows, promises and oaths associated with the union."
Just to clarify, I'm specifically dealing with a situation where man and woman had sex without any pre-discussion, without any agreed terms, without anything else being agreed. So they consummated and as I explained a few weeks ago, if you consummate without other agreed terms, Yah's default terms apply and I discussed those default terms in quite a bit of detail, so I am not going to go into them here; they include woman submit to your man, etc. I made the point that it is possible for the man and woman to agree that the man will submit to the woman. I don't recommend it, but it's certainly possible.
Coming back to this example of people with the default terms in play, the woman should pray "Father Yah, in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to release me from all responsibility to (name the man), I ask you to release me from being under his covering, I ask you to release me from having to submit to him and learn from him, I ask you to release me from having to align myself with him and from being engaged in commerce and industry together with him or alongside him to the mutual benefit of our joint house and I ask you to release me in every other possible way of my obligations to him in terms of your standard covenant terms. Father, I ask you to sever the covenant totally at my side and at his and to cancel out all covenant vows, promises and oaths associated with the union."
Note that where a promise was made in conjunction with taking so-called communion – the covenant bread and wine – the party breaking covenant may be subject to a death sentence in the Court of Heaven, possibly in this life but certainly in the life to come unless they come to deep repentance.
Folks, messing around sexually if you are a believer at some level of significant commitment is not something you should do. It's reckless, it's dangerous. I know of instances where there has been a breach of covenant and people have died, physically died. You need to be very, very careful about what you do in terms of getting into a sexual relationship. Sex is extremely powerful if used effectively. Don't go there by accident, by sloppiness, by lust. Make sure the person is the right person, pray about it, ask for signs and then consummate effectively as discussed a few weeks ago.
Note that trust is like a promise, vow or oath, it is a spiritual phenomenon which once broken is very difficult to repair – pray "Father Yah I ask you in the name of Yahooshua to teach me to trust again." If you are trying to heal the relationship, coupled with "Father Yah, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and ask you to heal the hurts caused by this treachery and ask you to help me rebuild the relationship."
Folks that’s a long shot. If you've been really betrayed in a relationship, it's very, very difficult to recover, and you may well decide it's not practical. You can try, but you're going to find that after a few months it's just not working. It's a very difficult one, it's not the world teaches, not what the church teaches. These are spiritual laws, you can't escape them. You can pretend they don’t exist, but they do.
If you have been raped, including raped under a "date rape" drug or been hypnotized pray "Father I ask you to release me from all vows and promises made when I was drugged/hypnotized."
If you're not sure whether you've been hypnotized or drugged, but something happened that you realize afterwards that you had a sex that you didn’t remember, pray that prayer or something along those lines. Again, Father didn’t intend us to have to deal that sort of thing. It's horrible for something like that to be done to somebody. There is more that can be prayed.
As stated previously the one-flesh bond is a spiritual connection between the spirits of the man and woman that comes into existence the moment one of them experiences orgasm and releases a spurt of their spirit in such a way that that spurt can connect with and bind to the other person.
A one-flesh bond can be formed by using the hand or mouth or other part of the body to bring the other person to orgasm as well as during conventional sexual intercourse with vaginal penetration.
It can even be formed in a very limited and weak fashion by focusing on a photograph while masturbating to climax or even while thinking of a person while masturbating to climax – this is designed to allow a man and woman in sexual covenant to connect spiritually when they are separated but it will work with all forms of pornography and fornication.
Folks, this is one of the tragedies of the wrong teachings that go with just about every religion. People are not taught the power of sex, the beauty of sex. They are not taught the things that we're talking about here. Folks, you do any of these things, you will have some sort of limited tie, the tie from masturbating and looking at a picture or thinking of somebody is no way as strong as the tie that comes from actual sexual intercourse, but if you do it regularly, it will dilute and weaken you. It will give Demons an opening to attack you.
If one-flesh bonds have been formed in adulterous situations, in other words between a man and a woman who are NOT free to enter into life covenant then those bonds are the consequences of sin and require sincere repentance BEFORE you can request that they are cut. One-flesh bonds will also form between people of the same gender and also in a rape situation and with animals.
In considering the one-flesh bond it is vital to understand that this is a bond given by Yah, it is NOT Demonic or Satanic and we, as human beings, do NOT have the authority to break it – so prayers like "I speak to this one-flesh bond in the name of Yahooshua and I cut you now" are erroneous, presumptuous, foolish and powerless – you do NOT have the authority and therefore the prayer is of no effect.
It's really important to understand that most of what I'm talking about here applies to same-sex sexual unions as well between man and man, it's classed as adultery pertaining to the laws concerning adultery and it's an abomination in Yah's sight. You still need to repent before you get free of those ties. Two women, there is nothing that Yah says about preventing two women being sexually intimate as long as it is a permanent long-term relationship and that’s totally acceptable to Father, one-flesh bond will be formed it will not be as strong as the one-flesh bond that results from male ejaculation in the vagina of the woman, but it's a one-flesh bond nonetheless and if they make love regularly they will build a strong one-flesh bond.
In the case of reckless one-flesh bonds resulting from inappropriate sexual connections such as with prostitutes, heavy petting and sex with women who are not free to marry, also to a much lesser extent with fantasies the prayer is basically the same: "Father I come to you in the name of Yahooshua, I repent of my sin of (name all that applies) and I ask for your mercy with regard to the one-flesh bonds that have come into existence and ask you to cut them at my end and at the other end and to heal my spirit and the spirit of the other person/s of the wounds caused by cutting the one-flesh bond/s." To the extent that you possibly can you should name every individual by name, if you can't remember all their names, for example, the prostitute in such and such hotel in such and such city at such and such a time, if you've really had a lot of partners, before you pray, you need to actually sit down and make a list of them so that you can read them out one after the other, particularly in the case like that it's advisable to get somebody who has an anointing for the cutting off of one-flesh bonds to pray with you if at all possible. I am available to pray with you if you contact me.
In the above prayer I am taking it as a given that the person praying the prayer has the legal right in the Court of Heaven to pray that prayer – in other words that the one-flesh bond/s were illegal.
In the case of divorce where the one-flesh bond is legal it is vital to FIRST establish if the divorce has been granted as discussed in the introduction so there is first a prayer to ask for permission to divorce.
You can't just go in and wholesale pray these prayers. You need to conform and comply with the laws with the Court of Heaven.
There is a letter of divorce. If you decide to or you're in a situation where Yah said you can divorce, you need to issue a letter of divorce – note that technically Deuteronomy 24 only makes provision for the man to divorce the woman, not the other way round, although it is possible for Yah to cause an unsuitable man to divorce his woman. Where a woman is legally joined to a man who is treating her badly she needs special mercy from Yah in order to receive a divorce and this is NOT always given, particularly if the default covenant terms are in place – remember that 1 Peter 3:1 says that women should submit to their man in the same way that Yahooshua submitted to them that falsely accused, beat him, tortured him and murdered him so in the Court of Heaven the grounds for divorce for a woman are limited to an appeal for mercy.
A woman who is being badly treated should do everything she can to comply with her covenant terms and Yah’s default covenant terms while at the same time asking Yah to help her to cope and asking Yah to deal with the situation in whatever manner he sees fit. Sometimes, a consequence of such a prayer prayed in submission to Yah’s commandments will result in the death of the man. In other situations he may come to repentance and a knowledge of Yah and submission to Yah, as it is written that the man "may be won without a word."
Note that where the man is truly an unbeliever and the woman is truly a believer and has done everything possible to bring the man to conversion she is permitted to go to Father and ask for Mercy to be granted a Divorce, it is my understanding that Yah is very unlikely to refuse such a request.
A woman who is truly a virgin, widow or fully divorced in the Court of Heaven should NOT join herself to a man unless she is absolutely certain he is the right man and is a committed believer AND is prepared to submit to him in everything – this includes if he gets into wrong behaviour, gets into drinking, gets into whoring, gets into false doctrine, gets into beating her, gets into whatever, he does that you do not like, even if he goes into Satanism you have to submit to him unless Yah clearly takes you out.
Folks, if you're a believing woman who is single, be very, very, very, very sure before you join yourself to a man. Please note that there are seven times more women than men in the body of true believers, so it is very difficult for a believing woman to find a suitable believing man. She is much better not to covenant with a man and to remain single with Yah as her husband or to enter into a covenant with one or more believing woman. Folks, this is so important. I have seen so many believing women who are desperately looking for a husband end up with a completely unsuitable man because they're desperate before their sexual needs got the better of them, because their desire to have children got the better of them. You did not want an unbeliever fathering your children; they will grow up as unbelievers legally. They can only become believers at the age of majority which is 13. You got to be so careful, and if you got children with a believing man, you want to get divorced so that you can bring them up in right teaching.
There are many Christians today who will tell you that what I have just said is NOT the case, I have it clearly that Yah says it IS. Do NOT divorce on another person’s say so UNLESS they confirm their opinion in writing and INDEMNIFY you against judgment if their opinion is incorrect – unless they are willing to be tormented in Hell for giving you their opinion and persuading you to follow their opinion do NOT follow their opinion – my name on this broadcast indicates that I take responsibility for what is spoken here and I ask Yah regularly to judge me severely and correct me harshly if I am out of line – notwithstanding this you should take responsibility for what you pray and act in accordance with your own conviction and your relationship with Yah – YOU will be judged for ALL your actions, those who lead you astray will ALSO be judged but that will NOT indemnify you from judgment UNLESS they actively state that they are willing to stand by the consequences of their counsel to you.
In the case of a man and woman who are legally joined in the sight of the Court of Heaven there is NO recourse UNLESS covenant is broken and then ONLY the person who has been wronged has the right to pray.
Folks, this is so important. This applies to whatever church you go to, whatever mosque you go to, whatever shul you go to, whatever yoga school you go to, whatever, whatever, whatever, don't just do what the leader, the pastor, the priest, the imam, the rabbi whatever tells you to do, you are accountable. Unless they're prepared to give you a piece of paper which says "I (whoever priest whatever, whatever) certify that this is Yah's advice to you and I will go to hell on your behalf if I give you wrong advice," then you must exercise discretion.
If you have betrayed your spouse and been kicked out of the house YOU do NOT have the authority to pray for the one-flesh bond to be broken, ONLY the aggrieved party has the right to pray.
In this case the prayer would be of the following form: "Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua, I believe with all my heart that you have consented to my divorcing (name the person), I acknowledge that I do NOT have the authority to cut the one flesh-bond, accordingly I ask you for your mercy and grace and ask you in your mercy to cut the one-flesh bond at my end and at hers/his and to heal up the wounds in our respective spirits."
If you are NOT sure you want it cut the one-flesh bond, it will not be cut; you must be absolutely certain that you want the one-flesh bond cut BEFORE you pray AND make sure you have legal sanction.
Folks, this is not about Yah being picky and ugly and what have you. It's about the spirit realm is extremely legalistic. If you're a believer, the Forces of Darkness are looking for every opportunity to take you out. If you pray prayers that you are not legally permitted to pray, they will come against you, they will get judgement against you, they will mess with your life. You have got to be careful, you've got to be meticulous, you got to be precise, you got to be legally valid.
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
In closing I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to the Almighty Creator.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Are you conscious of Him at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Do you count Him your FRIEND? Do you take Him into your confidence? Yes, I know He knows everything, but you discuss things with Him. Do you ask His opinion?
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND?
If you're not doing all the above, you are FAILING in your life purpose and will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
Folks, you're not going to get to sit on a High Throne in Heaven for eternity with great glory, with great honour, with great prestige, with great authority, great power unless you make a serious effort in this life. If you do not make a serious effort in this life, you're going to come to that day when you die and your spirit is taken up to the throne room, and you realise what you've missed out on when you will weep and gnash your teeth and grieve at your foolishness.
There is a huge reward available to you. Are you prepared to draw close to Him? Are you prepared to worship Him at every opportunity? I have a little hi-fi that sits on my desk in my room and I play worship songs to Him from the moment I wake up, pretty much the first thing I do when I wake up I say good morning to Him and turn the hi-fi on and I turn it off when I go to sleep. I turn it off when I am on a phone call or something, rest of the time it's on. I have the same worship songs on my mobile phone and I listen to them at every opportunity. Even if I am walking twenty yards down the corridor to a meeting, I'll pop the ear bud into my ear, even just that I get a few stanzas of a song that causes me to think of Him. I have got the songs playing in my car.
You need to be serious folks. He loves us. He wants us to be His friends. He wants to get involved in your life, He wants to help you to prosper, He wants to give you wisdom, get wealth. He wants you to be in divine health.
Wrapping Up
Five Key Documents – Main Menu Webpages
There are five key documents which I think are the most important documents I have written. I have taught on all of them on this programme in the last 16 months or so. They're all on the website. The books are:
"The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You."
"Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator." If you've decided to get close to Father, get the book off the website, get the recordings, listen to the teachings, get the transcripts. They're all available on the website.
"Recommended Worship" -- Songs that are strongly recommended.
"The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing." How can you worship someone when you don’t know their names?
"Where will you Spend Eternity? -- What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity?"
All available at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
Transcripts of nearly all teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom of the "Radio" page.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings Broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at http://RelationshipWithCreatorRadio.com. Click on "The Show" and then "Podcasts."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 are available near the bottom of the Menu at the "Compilation of Most Writings" page and are physically available.
I publish regular email articles -- email James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me feedback.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for.
Thank you for listening!
Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage, I will answer them next broadcast.
Please email me to join the mailing list at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Folks, if you're wondering whether you are suitable material to become a Friend, I want to assure you Father Yah desires to be Friends with every single Human Being on this planet, everyone alive today. It doesn't matter your race, your colour, your creed, your religion, your height, your wealth, your education or whatever other excuse you can come up with or all that you've heard saying that you won't qualify; you will qualify if you make a solid decision to draw close and say "Father Yah help me to draw close to you. Father Yah I desire to become your Friend, bring the people you want into my life, bring me the materials I need, give me the help I need, I want to become your Friend" and then start working out that decision.
Thank you so much for listening.
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